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Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Want To Build a Great Looking Body – Beat Stage Ready Myth

This article is for people who want to build strong, lean muscles and beat the stage ready myth. Many people are obsessive with building a perfect body. However, when they are not able to reach the perfect body goal they tend to quit.
A perfect body is lean, muscular and athletic. This makes you more confident and makes other notices you in a positive way. 

“Get Stronger each day”

The Stage Ready Myth – 

The stage ready myth suggests that the look or condition you notice of guys contending on stage in bodybuilding competition or a fitness magazine is the ideal illustration of a perfect male body and eventually we are all determined for it.
As you see the articles about “looking your best” and most people pictured the extreme looks of bodybuilders. You are eventually watching the stage ready myth.
Maximum people consider the visual representation of message. This article will remove the stage ready myths from your mind. 

This is about spreading awareness and inspiration for everyone – who wants to build lean, muscular and athletic body. Never ever feel worse about yourself. Always pace up hard to build a lean and muscular body.
You need to do extreme workout and can look awesome. What you need to change is the perception of what it means to look “good enough”.
You need to Workout at least for 3-4 times per week. Realize that “good enough” does not mean being as ripped as bodybuilder. Never waste out your precious time thinking about the goals you want to achieve. 

Read here to explore more about beating stage ready myth.

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Effective Workout – Ensure You Are Getting Best

Reality check! If you are working hard and maintaining an effective strategy, you will surely lead to a stronger and fitter body. That’s the reality worth reaching for.
If you are serious about building lean and perfect body for an effective workout, make sure you do it in a perfect way. Here’s JMax Fitness reveals the facts to increase the efficiency, strength and body fitness. Utilize these 6 major workouts to ensure that you will lead to a perfect fitness path and let you work injury free.

Let’s Explore the Secrets!
We need to warm up correctly in an efficient way. There are 5 major things a good warm up should accomplish –
- It will increase the heart rate and blood circulation.
-It will help your joints to stabilize by activating the muscle tissue.
-Helps minimizing friction and aid protect them in the long run.
-Minimizes the risk of a muscle injury.
 Always do general and specific warm-up before exercise as it will help you to reach your fitness goals. Take extra 10 – 15 minutes to warm up before every workout as this will help you mentally prepare for the workout.

Are you working out with the same intensity over a period of time? Do you feel you are getting stronger by the workout you do? Lifting some heavy weights can actually help you out reaching your goals. If you are always working with the same intensity, volume and resting period, you’re not working out, you are just exercising. So lift some heavy weights and get stronger.

Progressive overload can get you great results while working out. Try these remarkable ways to accomplish progressive overload –
-Lift heavy weights with different exercises.
-Lift alike loads with additional reps.
- Lifting loads with longer range of motion is beneficial.
- Lift while taking smaller rest periods.

Rest Optimally –
The Right amount of rest period increases efficiency of your workout. However, while determining resting period you should keep the following things in mind –

      1.What’s the intensity of the workout you are doing?
      2.How challenging is your workout on the central nervous system?
So keep short resting periods while aiming for 3-4 heavy reps.This will increase the efficiency of the body and make you fit.

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Knockout the Fat Loss Plateaus – A JMax Fitness Approach

Fat loss Plateau is an inescapable event that is bound to happen when you’re chasing your health or fitness goals. You’re going to reach the plateau, whether you are hitting the gym to build muscles or losing fat. JMax fitness revealed the covert approach to beat the Fat loss plateaus.

“To be fit is not destination it’s a way of life”

How Plateaus Strike You – Amazingly, we all make fitness goals. But how many of us actually remain consistent to follow those goals. Let’s say even if you hit the gym and track your performance and the numbers have not changed even after two weeks of workout, you’re “Plateaued” in that case.

Well don’t jump on to the conclusions so early there’s much to read around. The biggest reason for you to get plateau is psychological. Take a look at the previous week and rate yourself accordingly.

How Should You Strike the Plateaus – Do exercise, break the psychological fluctuations and you’re half way there to beat fat loss and fitness plateaus.


Follow these unadorned yet miraculous steps to triumph plateaus 
    1. Stay Consistent – Plateaus are psychological. Stay consistent on your progress path and measure the changes timely. This will help you psychologically as well as motivate you to work out to achieve your fitness or fat loss goals.

    2. Track your Diet – Always have you fitness goal running at the back of your mind. As you start hitting the gym, it is advisable to track your performance on daily basis. Also, you need to track the food and diet you take to achieve the same and to beat fitness plateaus. Be aware of the difference between healthy eating and fat loss eating that can help you break plateaus.

To explore more hidden secrets of Fat loss plateaus - read here


Monday, 3 August 2015


The way to muscle building is not easy. At the start, all the weight gained during the exercises is starkly visible. But after putting some months into it the muscles seem to attenuate leading to stopping of growth altogether. This happens when the muscles become used to the conventional set of routine followed to build the muscles. At this moment one needs to break free from the monotonous routine and force the Escalating Density Training (EDT) to renew the growth.

People always ask about how to build muscles? How to build muscle mass? The most common answer is to do particular sets and emphasize on it reps. No one, however focuses on how important it is to treat the muscles under tension for their growth. The reason why we see a restricted muscle growth pattern is that people get away with the exercises quickly. It is irrelevant if you do a lot of reps but fail to train your muscles under tension to boost their growth.

Escalated Density Training aims at doing more amount of work in the same time. It counters the regular time spent in the gym on Muscle Building. It was developed on the lines of pushing the muscles to do extra work in the same time to boost muscle growth. It is an easy way to plot your progress and to aim respectively on key areas to show results.

The concept of EDT can be explained by an example, if as a beginner you start off with an hour long plan with break intervals for recovery, then instead of aiming at maximum reps try to emphasize on the quality of exercise. The focus should be on creating tension in the muscles to push their growth. The next time you start with the same set of exercise, try to increase the bar by doing more reps in the same time constraint. This is the key to muscle building. To do more work in the same time limit and to increase it accordingly.

Read more to know everything about stubborn muscle building.
