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Monday, 3 August 2015


The way to muscle building is not easy. At the start, all the weight gained during the exercises is starkly visible. But after putting some months into it the muscles seem to attenuate leading to stopping of growth altogether. This happens when the muscles become used to the conventional set of routine followed to build the muscles. At this moment one needs to break free from the monotonous routine and force the Escalating Density Training (EDT) to renew the growth.

People always ask about how to build muscles? How to build muscle mass? The most common answer is to do particular sets and emphasize on it reps. No one, however focuses on how important it is to treat the muscles under tension for their growth. The reason why we see a restricted muscle growth pattern is that people get away with the exercises quickly. It is irrelevant if you do a lot of reps but fail to train your muscles under tension to boost their growth.

Escalated Density Training aims at doing more amount of work in the same time. It counters the regular time spent in the gym on Muscle Building. It was developed on the lines of pushing the muscles to do extra work in the same time to boost muscle growth. It is an easy way to plot your progress and to aim respectively on key areas to show results.

The concept of EDT can be explained by an example, if as a beginner you start off with an hour long plan with break intervals for recovery, then instead of aiming at maximum reps try to emphasize on the quality of exercise. The focus should be on creating tension in the muscles to push their growth. The next time you start with the same set of exercise, try to increase the bar by doing more reps in the same time constraint. This is the key to muscle building. To do more work in the same time limit and to increase it accordingly.

Read more to know everything about stubborn muscle building.


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