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Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Learn how to build muscles from a Rocket scientist turned fitness pro
By: Jmax Fitness

Ectomorph, Endomorph or Mesomorph? 

Which is your Somatotype? These are the three main body types and the skinniest amongst them is Ectomorph. Ectomorph somatotype is actually not the ideal bodybuilder as they are naturally thin, but they can end up being skinny fat. The Endomorphs on other hand carry fat naturally from their childhood. They can also build muscles by flexing them.

Though body types are not that important but we need to consider it before starting to build muscles. Somatotype has always been a topic of dispute scientifically. your health will be on a downward track if you let it be. Somatotype is important to understand as you need a specific diet according to your body type.

Do You Know Your Body Type?
Ectomorph | Endomorph | Mesomorph

Ectomorph Hardgainer Workout Tips:

1.  The two major mistakes Ectomorphs usually make during workout – doing too much and doing too little. Both over training and under training is not the way to achieve the hardgainer state.

2. Always try to challenge your body without hurting the recovery period. One should make sure that you always train your body keeping the recovery period in mind.

3. Always increase your weight as your strength increases. 

4. Try to take your meals properly to have a stunning growth.

Read here to know everything about hardgainer workout routine & diet secrets. – The ultimate muscle gaining resource 

References – 

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